We’re the ICT Suites Refurbishment Company
With the technological advancements of the 21st century we are constantly battling to create the next big advancement in science and technology, schools all over the country are investing in ICT suites to further develop the level of education for ICT. With new programs being created every day, and needs presenting themselves left, right and center it is of no wonder why the information technology industry has a great need of programmers, coders and designers.
ICT suites can show students the wonders of technology and the implications of advancements, inspiring students from a younger age to develop into tech workers is a great way to reinforce your information technology level in school.
Children today are hard-wired for online action and adventure, why not tap into their knowledge and understanding of video games with an interactive whiteboard from Triumph Board to enhance your ICT suites. We can work with you to create an IT suite that not only inspires but captivates your pupils. Contact us today to speak to one of our BrookhouseUK project managers and put your vision in motion.
Recent Refurbishment projects
Every job we undertake begins with pride. Pride in our work, pride in our history and pride in the feedback we receive.
Head Office
Head Office
Distribution Centre
Birmingham Office
Birmingham Office
Manchester Office
Manchester Office
Bristol Office
Bristol Office
Contact Us
Head Office
4 Charter Court, Stephenson Road
Colchester, Essex CO4 9BP
Midlands Office
Brindley Place, Brunswick Sq
Birmingham, B1 2LP
Northern Office
Jactin house, 24 Hood st
Manchester M4 6WX
Scotland Office
6th Floor, 7 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, G1 3HL
Wales Office
Wellington House (First Floor), Wellington Street, Cardiff, CF11 9BE
Contact Us
0345 383 0050 - Head Office
0121 289 2891 - Birmingham
0161 359 5274 - Manchester
0292 130 4561 - Cardiff
0141 428 4478 - Glasgow